Wyeast UU Community Board Meeting Minutes March 04, 2024
Wyeast UU Community Board Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: March 4, 2024, 7:00-8:30 PM at Rose City Park Methodist & Zoom
by Larry Burt, Board Secretary
Final: 03/13/2024
Attending: Diane Arnold (Co-moderator), Kathy Scanlan (Co-moderator), Hank Hadaway (Treasurer), Larry Burt (Secretary), Marcy Sullwold (At-Large), Rev. Leslie Becknell Marx (Minister), Ron Thurston (Membership), Anne Wagner (Committee on Ministry - COM members)
Virtual Chalice lighting
Previous Minutes: 2/5/2024 minutes were sent for review to board members and attendees on 2/8/2024 and several minor changes were made. No further changes were proposed at this meeting, so we voted to approve them. The minutes were sent to our Administrator Gigi for posting to our web site and archiving.
Minister's Report
Beginning last September, Leslie's monthly sermons have been themed with the seven Values in the UUA proposed revision of Article 2. So far we've had Love, Generosity, Pluralism, Interdependence, and Transformation. April's theme is Equity. May's sermon will look at the new Inspirations which replace the previous Sources. If approved at this summer's GA, these Values will replace the previous Principles. We need to have a congregational discussion regarding how we wish our GA delegation to vote on the revisions.
Leslie asked for board feedback on the March 3 Transformation sermon and the Drag Queen Story Hour. Comments were positive. The Story Hour program brought newcomers to the service, including young children and their parents.
There is a move to get Portland area UU ministers together in person.
Leslie noted that when her schedule is preaching on the first Sunday followed by a Board meeting the next day, it may delay completing her report to the Board.
Committee on Ministry (COM)
Anne W reported on the COM. Mathias resigned in December. Anne and Jan approached Greg Scott, who has become a regular at Wyeast. He agreed to be in the COM and has been at several meetings. However, Greg is not a member of Wyeast, as required for the COM by our bylaws, and at this point he isn't ready to become a member. He will continue to participate as an unofficial member. The bylaws require at least three members for the COM, so they are looking for another member. Preferably someone with a longer Wyeast history, as both Jan and Anne are relatively new. Please send recommendations to Jan and Anne.
The COM is currently developing Wy'east's Vision Statement, which will inform our implementation of small groups and considerations about a possible move.
Congregational Survey and Small Group Activities
Leslie presented results from the recent survey. There were 15 responses from the in-person and online surveys. The biggest interest item is in-person small group activities, specifically potlucks at members' homes and hikes. Another interest item is sermon-themed conversation circles after 3rd Sunday in-person worship services. We will do this after the March 17 service. There was also some interest in spiritual workshops.
How do we launch these activities? What is the process. Several people volunteered to organize potlucks and hikes. There are also inclusiveness issues to address: not everyone can hike and not everyone has transportation to potlucks at members' homes. We have several ways to communicate about events: chat, service announcements, Wyeast news, etc. Ron said that the membership committee has prepared potluck signup sheets for the next service. As an example, West Hills UU church in SW Portland has a variety of small groups (whuuf.net). We should also try to make activities attractive to young adults (~20-45) and their families, as this is a group we need to attract to be multi-generational.
Joys and Sorrows Follow-up
Linda B and Diane I are following Joys and Sorrows and contacting people as appropriate.
March 31st 5th Sunday Project
Kathy S is our liaison with Rahab's Sisters. Rahab is having a social event on that day. Kathy is finding out how we can support them, perhaps with table decorations and/or food?
Endowment Committee
We still need at least one more person. The committee has very little to do most of the time, so it is a "low-ask" for a volunteer.
Canvass & Budget
Leslie will support the Canvass with her sermon (April 1?). Hank reported that our current spending rate is keeping us safely within our 2023-24 budget. We also have a lot of ongoing work for the treasurer, which has tended to "wear out" past treasurers. Hank proposed asking our Admin Gigi to increase her work hours to include ongoing treasurer tasks, which he thinks she is capable of doing. The board voted to authorize Linda M to discuss with Gigi and make an offer to her.
CfPA and Possible Move
Our annual contract negotiation with the CfPA is coming up in April. Hank expects an increase of about 7-10%, which we can afford. But we still have issues with the space, especially the unsuitability for children and access for small group activities throughout the week. This is an issue being addressed by our COM, which is in the process of developing our Vision Statement. We have not contacted Wee Works to see if we could return to that space, but it is lacking proximity to our services. We toured part of the Rose City Park United Methodist (RCPUM) building and had mixed feelings about the space. The Chapel is a nice space but has a big cross, and hard pews and metal folding chairs. We're not sure which spaces would work for kids and potlucks. Larry and Kathy will tour RCPUM and develop a proposal for our building use with a monthly dollar cost. This information will be available to Bruce M for his contract negotiations with the CfPA.
Financial Reports
Treasurer Hank H. provided several reports from our new REALM software.
Next Meeting
Our next meeting will be Monday, April 1, at Hank Hadaway's home in Milwaukie.
Meeting adjourned at about 8:30.
Action List
Hank: Contact Linda M regarding offer of increased hours to Admin Gigi for financial data entry and processing.
Larry & Kathy: Develop a plan for Wyeast services at RCPUM
Leslie: Meet with Committee on Ministry to develop Vision Statement
Diane A: Clarify Rose City Park Presb. rental procedure.
Leslie and Kathy S: Develop plan for March 31st 5th Sunday service project at Rahab's Sisters.