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Board Minutes July 19, 2016

Board Meeting 7/19/2016


Board Members: Bruce, Barbara, D’On, Jane, Paul

Minister: Rev Craig Moro

●Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm


○Moderator: Bruce

○Vice Moderator: Jane

○Secretary: Barbara

○Treasurer: D’On

Jane moved that we accept this slate of officers. Paul seconded. Passed unanimously.

●Meeting minutes: The minutes of the board meeting on 6/9/16 were distributed by Barbara. Paul moved they be approved as submitted. D’On seconded. Approved unanimously.

●The Treasurer’s Report for May was posted in Googledocs prior to the meeting.

○We received a lot of unexpected pledge income in May during the budget process, ending with a $5,100 surplus for the month instead of the projected $3,700 deficit. We also continued to run under budget in expenses in May.

○The June Treasurer’s report is not yet available. The file of June financial transactions has not yet been received from Betty. D’On will send out the June report as soon as she gets the information.● 

  • The minister’s report was emailed to the board prior to the meeting.
  • Of note:
    • Craig attended extra Sundays at Wy’east in June.
    • He attended GA online. He liked it.
    • We note that he spent more than half time on Wy’east work in June. (Lots was happening.)
  • There is a meeting scheduled to revitalize the membership committee. It will include Sarah S as our Western Region congregational consultant.
  • Looking down the line, Craig asks us to consider whether we would be interested in having a student intern. This is a program of Meadville-Lombard to place seminary students in a congregation to get some real life experience of parish ministry. Craig would like to do this. He has to have been with us for 2 years, so it’s for future consideration, not for now.
  • D’On moved that we update the signatories on the Wy'east Unitarian Universalist Congregation's account at Consolidated Community Credit Union to reflect the newly elected board composition. Remove outgoing board member Robyn K. Add new board member Bruce M. Retain continuing board members: Barbara, D'On V, Jane M, and Paul H. Barbara seconded. Approved unanimously.
    • We all signed the new signature card for CCU.
    • Barbara will print a copy of these notes and give them to D’On.
    • D’On will go to CCU.

●20th Anniversary Celebration

○In early April it will be 20 years since Wy’east’s Charter Sunday.

○We could choose to celebrate on April 2 or 9th 2017. We should choose the date in consultation with the Worship Committee.

○Invite all charter members and all living Wy’east ministers.

○Barbara is willing to spearhead (at least) the initial planning and to be on the committee.

○We should try to recruit Tode and/or JoAnn, Mabel, Sarah.


●Craig suggests we figure out when we became a Welcoming Congregation. This is something else we might celebrate.

●Jill D: Paul has attempted to contact her, unsuccessfully. Since this action is not urgent (it needs to be done before February) the issue was re-tabled to give Paul more time to make contact with Jill.

●Membership committee:

○A meeting is scheduled for Aug 7 after the service.

○Linda B, Mabel, Chandra I, Craig, Jane, and Sarah S are all planning to be there.

○Linda will continue with the Engagement Committee to provide coordination.

○The two email lists: wyeast and wyeast-chat, cause confusion. Clarifying, and perhaps reorganizing email lists will be part of the conversation.●

  • Bruce has been looking into this.
  • There are 81 black chairs and 15 mauve chairs at the HSC, for a total of 96. Our high attendance total was 88 (children and adults) on the day Craig candidated. More usual numbers run from the high 40s to the low 70s.
  • We need to keep monitoring through the fall to see if we see a pattern.
  • Bruce had a conversation with Anders about Wee Works facility concerns. The teachers who had concerns are not teaching this year. There has been a problem with the blinds on the windows facing the street in the classroom in the HSC.
  • Bruce doesn’t feel that we need a standing committee at the present, but he is willing to be the point person for space issues.
  • D’On expects that we may be facing a significant rent increase at HSC next year.
  • Yu, former president of the Hollywood Business Association, and Mark have been having some conversations about availability of space in the neighborhood. Yu has also had conversations with Paul. He likes having Wy’east in the neighborhood and is interested in helping with our space issues.
  • Jane asks when we should start having a conversation with Amber about rent next year. This is related to space/chair issues. If we are outgrowing our space, what the rent would be a year from now might be moot, but we should have that conversation well prior to budget time.
  • Bruce volunteers to be the point person with Amber and HSC.

●Sunday bulletin

○Larry no longer wants to do the weekly bulletin.


■We can go back to having a generic order of service.

■We could display the order of service on a video screen.

■We could find some way to keep producing a weekly order of service.

○Craig likes having a weekly order of service. There’s something for visitors to take home.

○D’On suggests we have a backup generic order of service, for use in weeks when no one wants to produce a order of service. Our current card stock OoS needs to be updated.

○Paul says worship will address the issue.

●Move potluck

○Craig will be preaching on the 1st and 3rd Sundays. He would like the potluck to be on a Sunday when he is at Wy’east, preferably the 1st Sunday.

○We need to find out who might be affected.

○D’On will send out an email.

●Congregational Membership in Oregon UU Voices for Justice

○Barbara shared that we received a mailing from Oregon UU Voices for Justice.

○There have been some changes in what is involved in congregational membership, specifically we are asked to sign a covenant.

○Barbara will forward an electronic copy of what is in the mailing.

○Read it and make sure you’re comfortable with the contents.

○Barbara is willing to be the board contact.

○We will discuss further at the next board meeting.

○Note that the ORUUVfJ annual meeting is on October 15 at the Salem church.

●Worship Committee

○Linda M is now the chair.

○They have lost several members due to family concerns.

○Mark is feeling overwhelmed.

○Recently we have only been using committee members as worship associates. We are going to try having other members/friends of the congregation take on this role.

●Next meeting: Aug. 16th at Jane’s at 7:00 pm.

●Meeting adjourned at 9:02 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara Smith-Thomas, secretary



