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Board Minutes for May 12, 2016

Board Meeting 5/12/2016
Board Members: Robyn, D’On, Paul, Barbara, Jane
Minister: Rev. Craig Moro
Visitors: MA, Jocelyn
● The meeting was called to order at 7:12 pm.
● Minutes of the 4/14/2016 meeting:
○ Barbara distributed the minutes of the 4/14/2016 meeting
○ D’On moved to approve the minutes as distributed; Jane seconded.
○ Approved unanimously.
● Treasurer’s Report
○ The Treasurer’s Report was posted in Googledocs prior to the meeting
○ D’On included projections for May and June. She projects a surplus of
approximately $14,500. This includes the $4,500 that was carried forward
from last year.
○ Our income is slightly under budget; expenses are considerably under
○ There is nothing new to note.
○ Late breaking news: The surplus is now $19,000, thanks to an
unanticipated substantial donation.
● Budget
○ D’On distributed a draft budget dated 5/12/16, slightly updated from the
budget distributed via email a few days ago.
○ Pledge total is (now) $68,610 from 48 pledging units, up approximately
$10,000 from last year’s pledge total.
○ Still, the pledge total is short of what is needed.
○ We are proposing a deficit budget with the difference, estimated at
$7,200, to be made up with this year’s surplus.
○ As of the end of April, we have about $41,000 in savings. We expect that
to be somewhat smaller by the end of the year. That would mean we
would be down to approximately $30,000 surplus at the end of the 2016-
17 budget year.
○ As we go through this year, we need to work on making next year’s
pledge total fully fund the 2017-18 budget.
○ More late breaking news: at the congregational budget meeting we were
encouraged to add more money to board discretionary to address space
concerns. So the anticipated shortfall is now $8,200.
● Social Justice Committee
○ Ongoing partnership. Jocelyn distributed a proposal.
■ One possible partner being considered is the Black Parent
■ They (and we) want to involve the congregation in the selection of
any partner organizations.
■ It needs to be clear that the Social Justice Committee is in charge
of the process. But input from the congregation is welcome.
■ Robyn moves we endorse the proposal with above clarification.
Jane seconds. Approved unanimously.
■ Jocelyn will announce at the annual meeting.
○ Making them an official ‘ad hoc’ committee
■ Robyn moves; D’On seconds; approved unanimously.
■ D’On will let Hank know, with Jocelyn as contact person. (Done.)
○ Suggested theme for the coming year: housing. We are good with that.
○ Endorsements process
■ Paul is satisfied that the revisions address our concerns.
■ Barbara moves we approve the endorsement process. Robyn
seconds. Approved unanimously..
● Counting the offering
○ Several people pay their pledge in cash. At least twice recently the cash
has gotten mixed up with the general cash in the boxes, once, we believe,
ending up in the special collection.
○ Joanne F has pointed out that it is bad financial practice and contrary to
our fiduciary responsibility to give unopened envelopes containing cash to
Mark for deposit to our bank account.
○ The existing form actually has a space to record the needed information,
but D’On is willing to try to redesign the form to make it more clear.
○ Note that Mark double checks the offering most Sundays.
● Minister’s Report
○ Craig distributed his Minister’s Report via email prior to the meeting.
○ Craig has reserved the Rose City Park Presbyterian library for a Saturday
adult RE class, first 3 Saturdays in June.
■ In the fall there will be a 6 or 7 part UU history series with video.
■ We agree not to charge for adult RE, at least for now.
■ Pulpit announcements and email to Wy’east will be used to
advertise the classes.
○ Craig will be a delegate to GA. He asks what has been our process for
considering resolutions. We haven’t had one.
● Currently we have not identified a GA delegate from the congregation.
○ Mark suggests Craig make a pulpit announcement.
● Committee on Ministry committee
○ Prior to this meeting, Craig reported that Lana has agreed to serve as his
appointee to the Committee on Ministry committee.
○ Craig will contact Karl again.
○ Craig’s vision is that the committee will focus on the quality of ministry in
the congregation. It can be a sounding board for the minister.
○ Robyn moves we appoint Lana; Jane seconds. Approved unanimously.
○ Mark suggests Diane H. as a possible 3rd member.
● Paul S has asked us to authorize him to perform a wedding in early June.
○ We’re generally in agreement.
○ We will do it by email.
● Chairs
○ Several times in the last 2 months we have run out of chairs or come
close to it.
○ Robyn proposed buying a few extra folding chairs.
○ D’on would like to run attendance numbers first.
■ Barbara brought the Sunday attendance sheet. Robyn took a
picture and sent it to us via email.
■ The highest recent attendance was 75 adults + ~15 children on
Craig’s candidating weekend. Twice we have had ~60 adults and
~12 children.
■ Averages are more in the 50/12 range.
○ We will postpone this discussion until the next meeting.
● Robyn moves we adjourn; Paul seconds. Approved unanimously.
● Meeting adjourned at 9:09 pm
● Next meeting:
○ June 9, 7 pm at Robyn’s house
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Smith-Thomas, Secretary
