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Board Minutes 1/10/2017

Board Meeting 1/10/2017


Board Members: Bruce, Barbara, D’On, Jane, Paul

Minister: Rev Craig Moro


●Meeting called to order at 7:08 pm.


●Meeting Minutes - review and approval

○The corrected minutes of the board meeting on 12/20/2016 were posted in Googledocs prior to the meeting by Barbara.

○D’On moves we approve the minutes as corrected; Jane seconds. Approved unanimously.

●Treasurer’s Report

○It’s too early in the month for a treasurer’s report for December.

○D’On will post in Googledocs when she has one.

●Congregational Certification

○Diane has completed the update of the UUWorld subscription list and the congregational membership and attendance numbers.

○D’On has updated the financial reporting section of the certification.

○CSAI and Questionnaire

■Barbara will check it there are any penalties for ignoring this.

■D’On sent the questions around.

■D’On suggests we opt out of both.

■Try to let congregation weigh in next year.

●Minister’s Report○

  • Craig is enjoying being a teaching pastor for an intern at the Salem church who is in the Meadville-Lombard program. He reminds us that in another year we can host an intern and he would like to do that.
  • A Committee on Ministry meeting was scheduled for last Sunday but was cancelled due to the snow
  • Chalice Circles -- Lynn Thomas and Debra Tomsen will join with the CoM to make them happen.
  • Craig hopes that 2-3 Chalice circles will start immediately.
  • Craig hopes to move to Portland in May. Pam will commute to Willamette for a couple of years.

●Facilities Report

○Amber responded positively to our rent proposal.

○We can probably just continue as is at Wee Works.

○RCPP determines the rent. It has seemed reasonable to now.

○Jane asks if there is room in the office for files and a bookshelf. We’ll check on that.


●Growing the congregation

○Jane proposes that this is the correct heading for the relocation task force discussion and notes.

■This fits in with expanding our role/reach, but it’s secondary.

■D’On wants to wait until we see a growth trajectory.

■At the same time, starting a discussion about what we need/want is in order. Then when it’s time we’ll have some idea what we want.

■Craig observes that Seventh Day Adventist churches are frequently empty on Sundays. He will approach one or two SDA churches to see if they would be receptive to renting to Wy’east

■If anyone stumbles on a possible space it’s worth pursuing, at least to see what’s available

●Set-Up & Take Down Volunteering

○Paul is happy to be doing it. Committee of 1. He’s getting more ad hoc volunteers.

○Last Senior meeting Sunday Paul recruited a crew and let the seniors take off.

○Paul can’t be there this coming Sunday which is a Seniors Group Sunday; D’On will take on the job.

●Congregational Leadership Retreat Follow-Up

○Wy’east job descriptions

■Diane came up with a preliminary list which Bruce emailed around.

■It might be useful to group tasks into categories: database w/ reports, creating a Sunday service, things that happen once a year, newsletter

■Or possibly group by frequency: weekly, monthly, annually

■Bruce will get with Diane to do a second round

○Chalice Circles

■Will be discussed at CoM meeting on Feb 5 (and see Minister’s Report, above).

○Develop Mission and Vision Statements

■Some of the 20th anniversary activities will be designed to lead into this.

■Here are the steps Craig envisions for our mission/vision work●

○Conversation with the Congregation about how we grow and what that means

■Recall that the Search Packet we developed two years ago showed a clear sense of the congregation that growth is desirable, so

■We won’t do this in the immediate future, but

■Mission/Vision informs the growth (and relocation) conversation.

●20th Anniversary Celebration

○Barbara and Jane met this past week.

○We have invited all currently active charter members to meet after the service on 1/29

○Jane has been in contact with Craig and Sarah.

○Some program proposals we are considering:

■We’ll do it at a Sunday service and then have a celebratory social hour at HSC.

■Timeline with future history. Can ask leading questions.

■We’d like to capture memories and preserve an historical record.

■Bruce suggests some “real” food for the kids.●

  • We’re getting some new worship associates.
  • Working on weekly order of service●
  • Budget for admin staff? D’On fears we may be looking at another deficit budget. Admin isn’t going to drive giving. Diane’s task list can help us identify what we would like to pay someone to do for us.
  • Need a draft budget soon. For February meeting.
  • There isn’t much time between the end of canvass and the congregational meeting.
  • Stewardship sermon on 3/19 + canvass kickoff. Maybe introduce canvass team and process. (Spring break is 3/24 - 4/2)
  • Hand out pledge forms on 3/19; end the canvass on 4/23.
  • 20th Anniversary celebration 4/9
  • Newsletter deadline for March/April issue is mid-February. What needs to be in the newsletter about budget/canvass/anniversary?
  • Canass end: end of April.
  • D’On remembers canvass dinners fondly.
  • Jane is willing to be on the canvass committee. Jane will approach Harold McNarron. Paul suggests someone from the Lynch family to be on the committee.
  • Budget discussion 5/7.
  • Congregational meeting 5/21.
  • Bylaws compliance -- Barbara will make it happen.
  • Annual report -- Barbara will make it happen

●Committee Outreach-Membership Committee report at February Board meeting

○Bruce will reach out to Linda B

●Next meetings:

○February 14, 2017 and March 14, 2017 at 7 pm at RCPP.

●Meeting adjourned at 9:00 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara Smith-Thomas, secretary
