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Board Minutes 3/14/2017

oard Meeting 3/14/2017


Board Members: Bruce, Barbara, Jane

Minister: Rev Craig Moro

Visitor: Mathias

On 2/25, on Nancy D’s recommendation, Paul moved and Bruce seconded that we pay Fiona and Ellie for the hours they missed on the snow cancelled Sundays in January. Approved unanimously via email. Motion carries.

●Meeting called to order at 7:04 pm.

●Social Justice Committee Report -- Mathias

○Committee members: Mathias, Eme, Chandra, Jocelyn, Harold, Barbara D, Donna A

○Current status

■Special collections and theme speakers are pretty much set for the rest of the year.

■This month: Rose Community Development Corporation (outer Southeast)

■April: Outside the Frame (teen homelessness & documentary films)

■May: JOIN homelessness outreach.

■April theme speaker: Alison M

■Working on theme speaker and special collection for June. (Update:

■Matthias has been posting on the Wy’east Facebook page.

○Matthias is working with the Oregon UU Voices for Justice Deepening Democracy effort

○The future:

■Next year’s theme possibility: Women’s Issues, but continue to focus on “intersectional issues” of marginalization. Plan to approve the theme at the annual meeting; introduce it at the informational meeting. Mathias will create a description for the newsletter and meetings.

■Still considering establishing a sustained partnership with an organization, including bringing our members into an ongoing service project.

■Immigrant Rights is still bubbling in the background. We asked the social justice committee to provide input about continuing to support EMO vs. some other organization. They recommend IMirJ (Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice).  It’s more truly interfaith, with a more explicit Immigrant Rights Focus. Consider using a special collection instead of a line item in the budget.

○We appreciate the Social Justice Committee’s efforts to find Sunday speakers.

○We want to be supportive. Let us know if we can help in some way, but we don’t want to interfere.

●Meeting Minutes

○The corrected minutes of the board meeting on 2/14/2017 were posted in Googledocs prior to the meeting.

○A quorum not being present, approval of the minutes will be postponed to the April meeting.

●Treasurer’s Report

○The February treasurer’s report was posted in Googledocs prior to the meeting.

●Minister’s Report○

  • The Starr King student and potential intern is on hold for a year. It’s too soon; he needs to do his CPE. Also there’s some budget related insecurity on Craig’s end.
  • Path to Membership class is this coming Saturday. We have 9 people signed up.
  • Both Barbara S and D’On are planning to attend.
  • Craig will send an email to share presentations by the candidates for UUA president.

●Worship Committee update from Paul:

●Logistics update from Paul

●20th Anniversary planning update from Barbara:

○The timeline project has been successful.

○Nancy D and Lana A have taken on the party planning, but they have declined to be involved in any program planning.

○We need a party MC.Barbara will ask Anders. Could include memories from Charter Members and prior ministers. Former minister Susan M has sent Bruce a letter to the congregation. Include invitation for 2022, 2027, 2037 on timeline. “House built in eternity.” (Update: Anders is a definite maybe -- Yes, unless life has other plans.)

○Barbara will talk to Sarah about a special souvenir order of service.

○Bruce will make some phone calls. Barbara will send him a list of names.

●Canvass Status

○Jane distributed an updated pledge letter from Bruce. We worked on the wording.

○Jane distributed a pledge task list to guide future canvasses.

○Craig will send the minister’s letter to Jane for her to print. (Done.)

○Bruce will talk a bit at the end of this week’s sermon.

○Harold and Matt will speak after Bruce to describe the mechanics.

●Diane’s job chart.

○Needs to be on Googledocs or the web site, not on somebody’s computer.

○Barbara will send a technology description to Diane

○Bruce will ask more people (committee chairs) to review Diane’s list

○We note that the chart should be reviewed regularly (annually?)

●Next meetings:

○April 11, 2017 at 7 pm at RCPP.

○May 9, 2017 at 7 pm at RCPP.

●Meeting adjourned at 8:49 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara Smith-Thomas, Secretary
