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Board Minutes November 15,2016

Board Meeting 11/15/2016


Board Members: Bruce, Barbara, D’On, Jane, Paul,Minister: Rev Craig Moro

●Meeting called to order at 6:58 pm.

●Meeting minutes:

○The corrected minutes of the board meeting on 10/18/16 were posted in Googledocs prior to the meeting by Barbara.

○Bruce moves we approve the minutes; D’On seconds. Approved unanimously.

●The Treasurer’s Report

○The Treasurer’s Report was distributed via email prior to the meeting.

○Note new Surplus(Deficit) graph at the bottom of the cover page.

○At the end of October, we are showing a YTD surplus of $3,282, which is $1501 favorable to budget.

○The month of October had a $1,397 deficit, which is $269 better than budgeted for the month.

○ D’On suggests we share the treasurer’s report with the membership.

■Jane suggests that we don’t need to share the details on the last two pages. Also, including a summary with the report would be advisable.

■Bruce is concerned with the burden on D’On.

■Paul is of the opinion that the fiduciary responsibility has been delegated to us. What about a quarterly summary?

■We like the idea of sharing information as a prelude to next year’s canvass.

■The next newsletter is Jan/Feb – deadline Dec 15. D’On will prepare a halfway-through-the-year summary.

  • The Minister’s Report was distributed via email prior to the meeting.
  • Craig spent time with last week’s speaker to help him prepare in light of the election.
  • He also served as a resource for area ministers post election.
  • Craig will be doing the first Sunday in December and the third Sunday in January.
  • Facilities Report:
    • Nothing new.

●Volunteer Recognition/Set up and take down volunteering○

  • Barbara reiterated the advisability of having two people doing the organizing to switch off months.
  • ●Congregational Leadership retreat followup

○Wy’east Job Descriptions.

■Barbara made a new Google Drive folder. We need to see what’s in there.

■Jane suggests we need a list of what the jobs are.

■Categories of jobs: Sunday, administrative, communications, various committees.

■Bruce will ask Diane I. to create a list of jobs, and send it to the people who came to that retreat.

■(update since the meeting: D’On has volunteered

○Chalice Circles.

■It takes some organizing, and training.

■Committee on Ministry members have offered to lend support to this (Lana, Karl, Marci). We will gladly take them up on it.

■Bruce will make some phone calls.

○Develop Mission and Vision Statements

■Do we have energy for this?

■Are there old vision/mission statements? Probably, but no one at the meeting knows where they might be or even if they still exist.

■Craig suggests an elevator speech workshop as a lead in to mission and vision work.

■We think Sarah Schurr is speaking on Jan. 8. Bruce will reach out to Sarah to if she can lead a discussion about size after her service, plus a Q&A.

■We need to share the survey described in Next Steps below with Sarah. After that Jane will reach out to Sarah about mission/vision. Keep the 12/15 newsletter deadline in mind.

○Next Steps.

■Conversation with the congregation: Where are we going? How big do we want to be?

■There was a survey taken for the most recent search packet. We should check with Hank for the results of the survey. Bruce will ask Hank if he will send it to the board.

●20th Anniversary Celebration

○Nothing new

●Hymnal Shortage

○Hank has asked that we buy some more hymnals.

○We get a 20% discount on both the grey and teal hymnals if we buy 10 or more at a time.

○We don’t know how many hymnals we currently have.

○With 96 (?) chairs, we should probably have 64 hymnals.

○D’On will count the hymnals and send around an email to the board.

●Robyn K has asked to be empowered by Wy’east to officiate at weddings.

○Barbara so moved; Bruce seconded. Approved unanimously.

●Next meeting:

○Dec 20 at 7 pm at RCPP, either in the library or in room 105. D’On will check with Romalia

○Starting in January we will meet on the 2nd Tuesday. D’On will get Jan & Feb meetings in the next newsletter.

○We understand that meeting on the 2nd Tuesday means that sometimes D’On will not have the prior month’s financial information in time to generate a treasurer’s report prior to the meeting.

●Meeting adjourned at 8:49 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Barbara Smith-Thomas, secretary






