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"Community of Love: A Soul Circle Service" Wy'east Members & Friends


Each Sunday that we gather for worship, we reaffirm our purpose by saying together the words of our congregational covenant which begins: "We Covenant with each other as a community of love." Today we put that call into action by exploring deeply with one other what it means to be a community of love with each other, with our broader faith movement and with the wider world.

This participatory "Soul Circle" service is based on the small group ministry concept of Chalice Circle. We will offer some inspiration, a time for quiet reflection and an opportunity to share deeply with one another in small groups. This service will be facilitated by Wy'east Members & Friends.


Join Our Virtual Service Sunday at 10:30 AM

This service will be offered ONLY as a virtual service.

Click here to join the virtual service on Zoom

Meeting ID:  275 194 110

Phone In:  (669) 900-6833