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Wy'east UUC Board Meeting February 08, 2022

Board Meeting February 8, 2022 7:30pm via Zoom

Attendance: Lana Q, Ruth J, Linda B, Hank H, Ron T, and Anne W

January Meeting minutes: Reviewed and approved.

Standard Reports: See Agenda

Minister: Craig reported that the person he contacted about applying for the minister position was not interested.  His Wed. Morning class is going well. There are 9 participants. He reminded the board that the sermon on pledging is scheduled for March 20, 2022. 

Membership Committee: Ron reported that the membership committee will resume regular meetings scheduled on the 3rd Sunday of the month in a break-out room on zoom after the service. 

Treasurer: Lana reported that Ari plans to draft an aspirational budget   to address the member concerns (to know what they are actually pledging for) A budget with a half- time minister and quarter-time administrator will be presented and later revised to meet our situation. 

Return to an in-person service: Ron Reported on the visit to CFPA
Craig stated that Jolanda requested a hybrid dry run prior to starting in-person services. Lana will contact her for dates she can meet at 1:00pm  after the Sunday service  

The RSVP form was discussed. A deadline to respond has to be determined. Lana suggested that the Worship Com. Coordinator have access to the RSVP forms and provide a list of names to the greeters each Sunday. Ron will ask the membership committee members for volunteers as in-person and virtual greeters. 

No limit was established for the number of members/friends who could attend in-person. 

Canvass Candidates
Linda B will contact Paul H, Matt L, and Bruce M and possibly Debra T

Search Committee Report
Hank reported that we have not had any response to the UUA job board in the last month. He contacted 14 local retired, part time ministers and 1 interim minister. One responded, but no one applied. 

Ad hoc committee to hire a part time Administrator: The committee will consist of a member from the Worship Com., a board member, and member of the search committee. Linda Mac and Hank volunteered. Lana will reach out to the board members to recruit a volunteer. 

Lana reported that East Rose UUC has reached out to have a meeting with the board moderators in the area. 
The UUA General Assembly is in Portland in June. Lana stated there are many opportunities for connecting. We are looking for 2 delegates. There may be scholarship money available. Ron T is considering attending. 
Lana plans to compile a list of volunteers needed for the in-person service. 

Next board meeting date is Monday March 7, 2022 at 7:30pm via zoom. 

                    Respectfully Submitted
                    Linda Burk, Secretary

