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Wy'east UUC Board Meeting March 07, 2022

Wy’east UUC Board Meeting March 7, 2022 via zoom

Attendance: Lana, Moderator, Ruth, Vice Moderator, Linda, Secretary, Ari, Treasurer, Rev. Craig, Ron, membership Chair

February Meeting minutes: Approved

Standard Reports: See Agenda for details

Minister: Craig added that the 9 sessions of the Gilgamesh classes are complete. Members responded well to the class. Craigs recommends the classes are a good way to engage the members and the minister.

Stewardship Sunday off to good start. He received several compliments on his sermon. 

Thank you, Craig, for making a foot platform to use with the high podium to avoid only seeing the top of speakers’ heads. 

Membership: Ron talked with MA. He reported that MA is slowly getting better. 

(MA’s new phone number 503 535 4759)

 RE : Ari reported that they are not meeting regularly. She will remind Kate that she can make the most of her hours and move forward to hire a child care worker. Kate is prepared to have RE on the first in person service on March 20, 2022

Worship Committee: Lana mentioned the need to change the script and WEB site to include instructions on use of zoom so that members are prepared. 

Treasure’s report: Ari stated that the expenses will change due to updated rent to HSC and new lease. Ari will discuss this with Bruce (whom the board recommends to remain the liaison). Ron also volunteered as back up liaison as he works closely with the CFPA 

RSVP form to attend service:

Lana will contact Linda M to email the link to Ron for each in-person Sunday. Ron will print this and have hard copies of the RSVP form for those who have not registered in advance. Ari will add a place for members/visitors contact info on the RSVP form and also format it for the hard copy.

In-person services

At this point there will be one in- person/hybrid service per month beginning March 20, 2022

A trial run indicated problems with the weak WIFI. Craig suggested purchase of an ethernet cable for the speaker’s laptop.  Ron will speak with Michael at HSC   to make certain the tech equipment is available to Wy’east UUC on Sundays and access to the storage room.  

Lana will ask Linda M to purchase the cable and other items needed. Money is available in the budget for these items. 

 Chalice and Joys and Concerns candle lighting: The Worship Associate will ask one of the congregates to do this and if possible, to ask one of the children.

Ari will check with Kate to see if there is anything she needs. The expectation is that Kate and one other person will be responsible for set up.  

The expectation is that the number attending the in-person service will be manageable using the HSC safety guidelines which Wy’east UUC will continue to follow regardless of the state mandates. 

Ron will keep us updated on the CFPA policies. 

Canvass: No new update. There has been no response for a search for the quarter time minister. 

A chat message was sent from the canvass committee with a broad breakdown of the aspiration budget.The aspiration budget includes search for a half time minister and quarter time administrator. 

Ruth will contact Hank and Linda M concerning the ad hoc search committee to find a quarter time administrator. 

Annual Budget Meetings 

Ari will work with Hank to draft the budget after the April 3rd deadline to pledge. And will be presented to the board at the April 4, 2022 board meeting. 

Congregational presentation of the budget is scheduled for May 8th after the service. 


Annual Congregational Meeting: Scheduled for May 22,2022

Linda will check Karl’s report on the update of the endowment committee document for congregational approval to include in the bylaws.

Ari and Linda will draft a finance committee document to present as a standard committee. 

The open board positions for 2022-2023 are Lana, Ari, and MA. Lana stated that she would like to remain on the board.  Ron will inform the nominating committee to begin the search for replacements. 

General Assembly:

There is scholarship money available for anyone who plans to attend as a delegate. Ruth will send a chat message after obtaining a description of the duties of the delegate. 

Next board meeting: Monday April 4,2022 at 7:30 pm, in person, at Rose City Presbyterian Church. Lana will ask for access to the board room. Lana will notify the past board members to attend to approve the 2021-2022 zoom board meeting minutes.

Respectfully Submitted

Linda Burk, Secretary.

